The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2015) REVIEW

127_12636.jpg“Unnecessary sequel proves to be rather strong, sweet and interesting.”

SPOILER FREE After seeing the first film and be adamant about it being rather satisfactory and nothing more – I was rather surprised that a sequel was being released since the reception of the original wasn’t outstanding. But even with the British Film Industry, money needs to be made, and I’m sure that the sequel will take just as much, perhaps even more at the box office – even if the film is mostly aimed at the couples, the middle-aged and the elderly.

Sonny (Dev Patel) is behind the idea of the hotels stretching all across India, and has a vision of many people enjoying Indian hospitality. The charm of the first film still lingers across this instalment as we’re introduced to some familiar faces – a cracking cast featuring Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Bill Nighy, Dev Patel, Richard Gere and many more. It was a complete surprise to me how sweet and interesting the film was turning out to be – I went into the screening with the mindset that it was just going to be another film added to an extremely long list of unnecessary sequels; and as much as I still believe that it doesn’t add a lot more to make it worthy, it’s touching nonetheless. What I like about both instalments is that all of the characters seem to be rather well developed. It plays a dangerous game on introducing the audience to a lot of characters, but none ever seem to slip beneath the cracks and become unknown or unnecessary.

I was ready to dislike many aspects of ‘The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’ based firmly on the principal of unnecessary sequels, but I have to say that the film rather won me over. It’s not life changing by any means, but it has a real heart and it does it without being preachy or overbearing. I realise that I’m not the target audience; but it’s difficult to not to enjoy beautifully shot and choreographed dancing, and a large list of characters that still don’t seem to overstay their welcome. As much as I think that the film overstayed its welcome slightly on the duration, the love story between Sonny and his fiancé Sunaina could have been better developed and more interactive – it’s rather good. Fans of the first one will claim it’s the best thing since sliced bread and others… well! It may win you over too! I rather enjoyed it.


The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2015) REVIEW

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